PhD Theses
Chao Zhang (2018), Transportation PhD
Computationally efficient offline demand calibration algorithms for large-scale stochastic traffic simulation models
Evan Fields (2018), Operations Research PhD
Demand uncensored: inferring demand for car-sharing mobility services using data-driven and simulation-based techniques
Linsen Chong (2017), Transportation PhD
Computationally efficient simulation-based optimization algorithms for large-scale urban transportation problems
Xiao Chen (2014, MIT Portugal Program), Uni. Coimbra Transportation PhD, co-advised with Prof. Bruno Santos (TU Delft)
Reliable urban traffic control
MSc Theses
Nate Bailey (2016), Transportation MSc
Simulation and queueing network model formulation of mixed automated and non-automated traffic in urban settings
Tianli Zhou (2015), Transportation MSc
Network design for integrated vehicle-sharing and public transportation service
Krishna Kumar Selvam (2014), Transportation MSc
Multi-Model simulation-based optimization applied to urban transportation
Jana Yamani (2013), Computation for Design and Optimization MSc.
Approximation of the transient joint queue-length distribution in tandem Markovian networks
Kanchana Nanduri (2013), Transportation MSc.
Mitigating emissions and energy consumption for urban transportation networks: simulation-based signal control strategies
Carter Wang (2013), Transportation MSc.
Urban transportation networks: analytical modeling of spatial dependencies and calibration techniques for stochastic traffic simulators
Marjorie Benz (2007), EPFL SM, Mathematics Thesis
Customer centric revenue management
Thomas Robin (2006), EPFL SM, Mathematics Thesis
Optimization of the location of distribution centers for Postlogistics
Carolina Osorio’s Theses
Ph.D. Thesis: Mitigating network congestion: analytical models, optimization methods and their applications
Supervisor: Prof. Michel Bierlaire
Institution: Dept. of Mathematics, Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
MSc Thesis: An auxiliary/latent variables approach to inferring missing haplotype/genotype data
Supervisor: Dr. David Lunn, Imperial College London. 2004-2005
Institution: Dept. of Statistical Science, University College London, UK. 2004-2005
Bachelor Research Internship: Analyzing, improving and comparing an outlier robust independent component analysis algorithm
Supervisor: Dr. Stefan Harmeling
Institution:Intelligent Data Analysis Group, Fraunhofer Institute. Berlin, Germany. June-August 2004