Google Research blog post on high-resolution metropolitan traffic simulators
Urban mobility solutions: Calibrating digital twins at scale
February 2025
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the 2025 UW (University of Washington) Big Data, AI and Transportation Planning Applications Workshop.
January 2025
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the 2025 CRI2GS Day.
January 2025
We’re hosting the next ISTDM at the new HEC Montréal building, join us! Submission deadline is Feb. 3.
December 2024
Google Research blog post on learning how congestion builds up on different urban roadways
Scalable learning of segment-level traffic congestion functions
November 2024
Carolina is ranked in top 2% of most cited authors
Carolina is ranked in the top 2% of the most cited scientists in OR + Transportation and Logistics for 2023.
October 2024
Open-sourced BO for transportation code + paper accepted at NeurIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) Workshop on Bayesian Decision-making and Uncertainty
This paper has an open-sourced code to apply Bayesian optimization to a transportation problem, known as the travel demand, or origin-destination calibration problem.
Choi, S., Rodriguez, S., Osorio, C. Bayesian optimization for high-dimensional urban mobility problems.
October 2024
Paper accepted at NeurIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) Conference
Griesemer, S., Cao, D., Cui, Z., Osorio, C., Liu, Y. Active sequential posterior estimation for sample-efficient simulation-based inference.
September 2024
Carolina is invited to give a keynote talk at the 2025 IEEE MT-ITS Conference, International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, to be held at the University of Luxembourg. Here’s their 2023 website.
July 2024
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the FARI Conference of the AI for the Common Good Institute.
June 2024
Work accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Lu, J., Osorio, C. Link transmission model: A formulation with enhanced compute time for large-scale network optimization
May 2024
Postdoc Tommaso Schetinni will be joining Concordia University as an Assistant Professor, congratulations Tommaso !
April 2024
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the IVADO Workshop: Towards Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains Through Machine Learning and Optimization. Join us by registering on the website.
February 2024
Work accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Tay, T., Osorio, C. A sampling strategy for high-dimensional simulation-based transportation optimization problems
February 2024
Google Research blog post about the power of simulations for traffic guidance policies
Simulations illuminate the path to post-event traffic flow
December 2023
Carolina is invited to give a plenary talk at the 3rd Colombian Conference in Applied and Industrial Mathematics.
December 2023
Carolina is ranked in top 2% of most cited authors
Carolina is ranked in the top 2% of the most cited scientists in OR + Transportation and Logistics for 2022.
November 2023
Work accepted for publication in ACM Sigspatial
Vishnoi, S., Tsogsuren, I., Arora, N., Osorio, C. On the use of abundant road speed data for travel demand calibration of urban traffic simulators.
September 2023
Carolina is invited to give a semi-plenary talk at the German / Austrian / Swiss OR days.
September 2023
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the Fields Institute Workshop on Recent Advances in Optimization.
August 2023
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Zhou, T., Fields, E., and Osorio, C. A data-driven discrete simulation-based optimization algorithm for car-sharing service design
August 2023
Carolina is invited to give a plenary talk at the International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment. Join us for the event !
July 2023
Postdoc Jie Gao will be joining TU Delft as an Assistant Professor, congratulations Jie !
June 2023
Carolina is promoted to Full Professor, stay tuned for the inaugural lecture.
June 2023
Join us for the 2nd Sustainable Urban Mobility: Simulation and Optimization workshop. Access to the livestream is available on the event website.
June 2023
Carolina is invited to give a plenary talk at the Fields Institute Workshop on Smart Cities, Energy and Sustainabilty. You can sign up to attend in-person or online on the event website.
May 2023
Thank you to the Meta’s Adaptive Experimentation group for hosting a great research workshop on GPs + sample efficient optimization.
April 2023
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Tay, T., and Osorio, C. Bayesian optimization techniques for high-dimensional transportation problems
September, 2022
Welcome Jie Gao to the team !
September 2022
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the 1st NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems. Join us for the event !
August 2022
Welcome Claudia Bongiovanni to the team !
March 2022
Join us for the upcoming Urban Mobility Simulation and Optimization Workshop, livestreamed on YouTube on Nov. 16th. Recording of the livestream is available here.
Nov. 2021
Carolina is invited to give a keynote at the Eurandom (Workshop Center in the area of Stochastics) Road Traffic Flow: Analysis, Optimization and Control
Oct. 2021
Congratulations to Timothy Tay for completing his CEE Ph.D thesis on Exploration and exploitation techniques for high-dimensional simulation-based optimization problems in urban transportation.
August, 2021
Our work is selected and featured in Transportation Science’s first Virtual Issue
April, 2021
Carolina is awarded the SCALE AI Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Urban Mobility and Logistics at HEC Montréal
March, 2021
Congratulations to Kevin Zhang for completing his ORC Ph.D thesis on Real-time calibration of large-scale traffic simulators: Achieving efficiency through the use of analytical models
July, 2020
Congratulations to Jing Lu for completing her ORC Ph.D thesis on Probabilistic Models and Optimization Algorithms for Large-Scale Transportation Problems
January, 2020
Congratulations to Tianli Zhou for completing his Transportation Ph.D thesis on Tackling Car-Sharing Service Design Problems at Scale and with High-Resolution Data: Discrete Simulation-Based Optimization Approaches
March, 2020
Carolina is currently a Visiting Faculty at Google
September, 2019
Carolina is invited to talk at the International Workshop on Data-Centric Engineering (DACE) organized by the Lloyd's Register Foundation, The Alan Turing Institute and MIT
April, 2019
Carolina is invited to talk at the NSF Workshop on Control for Networked Transportation Systems
April, 2019
Carolina is invited to talk at the PhD Student Workshop on Transportation and Logistics Challenges and Opportunities at Loyola University
January, 2019
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Osorio C. High-dimensional offline OD calibration for stochastic traffic simulators of large-scale urban networks
January, 2019
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part C
Osorio C. Dynamic OD (origin-destination) calibration for large-scale network simulators
September, 2018
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Osorio C. and Punzo V. Efficient calibration of microscopic car-following models for large-scale stochastic network models
September, 2018
Congratulations to Evan Fields for completing his ORC Ph.D thesis on Demand uncensored: inferring demand for car-sharing mobility services using data-driven and simulation-based techniques
September, 2018
Congratulations to Chao Zhang for completing his Transportation Ph.D thesis on "Computationally efficient offline demand calibration algorithms for large-scale stochastic traffic simulation models"
August, 2018
Carolina is based at Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs this Summer
July, 2018
Carolina is invited to give a keynote at the EmTech (Emerging Technologies) MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Conference
May, 2018
Carolina is invited to give a talk at the "Simulation Analytics: Smart Simulation in Big Data Era" workshop, hosted by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Peking University (PKU)
April, 2018
Tianli's profile and work is featured on MIT News
January, 2018
Carolina is invited to give a keynote at the IX Workshop on Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems
December, 2017
Carolina is invited to give a keynote at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Dynamic Traffic Models in Transportation Science
November, 2017
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio C., Chen., X and Santos, B. Simulation-based travel time reliable signal control
August, 2017
As part of the first Audi Summit, Carolina is invited to participate in their event on "Transforming Mobility"
July, 2017
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Lu, J. and Osorio C., A probabilistic traffic-theoretic network loading model suitable for large-scale network analysis
July, 2017
Congratulations to Linsen Chong for completing his Transportation Ph.D thesis on "Computationally Efficient Simulation-based Optimization Algorithms for Large-scale Urban Transportation Problems"
May, 2017
Congratulations to Jing Lu for being awarded the UPS Doctoral Fellowship!
May, 2017
Carolina gives keynote talk at the MIT Technology Review EmTech (Emerging Technologies) Caribbean Conference
April, 2017
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Flötteröd, G. and Osorio C., Stochastic network link transmission model
April, 2017
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Zhang, C., Osorio C., and Flötteröd, G. Efficient calibration techniques for large-scale traffic simulators
December, 2016
Carolina and Michel Bierlaire receive the "2016 Outstanding Paper in Urban Transportation Planning and Modeling Award" of the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS for their paper: "A Simulation-based Optimization Framework for Urban Transportation Problems" (Operations Research, 61(6):1333-1345, 2013)
November, 2016
Carolina talks on Simulation-based Transportation Optimization at the National Academy of Engineering's EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
October, 2016
Welcome Timothy Tay, our new group member!
September, 2016
Congratulations to Nate Bailey for completing his Transportation M.Sc. thesis on Simulation and Queueing Network Model Formulation of Mixed Automated and Non-automated Traffic in Urban Settings
September, 2016
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Chong, L. and Osorio, C. A simulation-based optimization algorithm for dynamic large-scale urban transportation problems
July, 2016
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Osorio, C. and Wang, C. On the analytical approximation of joint aggregate queue-length distributions for traffic networks: a stationary finite capacity Markovian network approach
June, 2016
Congratulations to Jing Lu and Kevin Zhang for successfully passing the Operations Research Center PhD General Exams!
May, 2016
Carolina is awarded the 2016 IBM Faculty Award
May, 2016
Carolina is invited as a speaker to the upcoming National Academy of Engineering's (NAE) EU-US Frontiers of Engineering (EU-US FOE) Symposium, to talk on the topic of "The Road to Future Urban Mobility"
March, 2016
U.S. National Science Foundation award for the project Analytical Probabilistic Traffic Models for Large-scale Network Optimization (2016-2019).
March, 2016
Carolina is invited as a keynote speaker at the MIT SCALE (Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence) Latin America Conference
March, 2016
Carolina is selected as one of the 2016 GOOD 100, GOOD Magazine’s list of 100 innovators from around the globe who are "tackling pressing global issues" and "improving our world in creative ways" Carolina was selected in the category of "Minds That Are Hacking Our Surroundings for the Better".
January, 2016
Congratulations to Nate Bailey for successfully passing the Transportation PhD General Exams!
January, 2016
Carolina is invited as a keynote speaker to the Workshop on Intelligent Transportation Systems of COMSNETS, the International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS
January, 2016
Carolina is invited as a keynote speaker to the New Directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic Flow Management Program of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)
November, 2015
Carolina is invited as a keynote speaker to the Annual Meeting of the MATS-UTC, the Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability Center - University Transportation Center
August, 2015
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio, C. and Selvam, K. Simulation-based optimization: achieving computational efficiency through the use of multiple simulators
August, 2015
Our work featured in the MIT Spectrum
June, 2015
Congratulations to Evan Fields for successfully passing the Operations Research Center PhD General Exams!
May, 2015
Carolina is awarded the MIT Technology Review EmTech Colombia TR35 Award
May, 2015
Congratulations to Tianli Zhou for completing his Transportation M.Sc. degree thesis on Network Design for Integrated Vehicle-Sharing and Public Transportation Service
May, 2015
Congratulations to Evan Fields for being awarded the UPS Doctoral Fellowship!
May, 2015
Our work on sustainable traffic control featured in MIT News
March, 2015
Congratulations to Chao Zhang and Tianli Zhou for successfully passing the Transportation PhD General Exams!
Feb., 2015
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio, C. and Yamani, J. Analytical and scalable analysis of transient tandem Markovian finite capacity queueing networks
December, 2014
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Osorio, C. and Nanduri, K. Urban transportation emissions mitigation: coupling high-resolution vehicular emissions and traffic models for traffic signal optimization
December, 2014
Congratulations to Xiao Chen for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis, as part of the MIT-Portugal Program!
December, 2014
Welcome Nate Bailey, Jing Lu and Kevin Zhang, our new group members!
September, 2014
Our simulation-based optimization work in the media: MIT News; IEEE Spectrum; Smithsonian Magazine; CityLab.
July, 2014
Congratulations to Krishna Kumar Selvam for completing his Transportation M.Sc. thesis on Multi-Model Simulation-Based Optimization applied to Urban Transportation
June, 2014
Carolina is awarded the MIT CEE Maseeh Excellence in Teaching Award
This departmental teaching award recognizes the most outstanding faculty instructor in the past academic year
May, 2014
Carolina is awarded the MIT NEC Corporation Fund Award for Research in Computers and Communications for the project "Real-time simulation-based optimization algorithms"
May, 2014
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio, C. and Chong, L. A computationally efficient simulation-based optimization algorithm for large-scale urban transportation problems
April, 2014
Carolina is awarded the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award (NSF CAREER)
MIT News link. Awarded for the project: Simulation-based Optimization Techniques For Urban Transportation Problems
"The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations."
March, 2014
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio, C. and Nanduri, K. Energy-efficient urban traffic management: a microscopic simulation-based approach
March, 2014
Carolina is awarded the 100 Colombians Award by the Fusionarte Association
Award ceremony hosted by the Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, at the presidential headquarters
January, 2014
CEE On Balance issue on our simulation-based optimization work
December, 2013
Krishna Selvam and Setareh Borijan were awarded the 2nd prize in the INFORMS Railway Applications Section Competition.
They were selected among a group of 42 submissions. Congratulations !
October, 2013
Welcome Evan Fields, Chao Zhang and Tianli Zhou, our new group members!
September, 2013
Congratulations to Jana Yamani for completing her M.Sc. Computation for Design and Optimization thesis on Approximation of the Transient Joint Queue-Length Distribution in Tandem Markovian Networks
August, 2013
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Science
Osorio, C. and Flötteröd, G. Capturing dependency among link boundaries in a stochastic dynamic network loading model
July, 2013
Linsen Chong and Franco Chingcuanco were awarded the Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship
This is a nationally competitive fellowship administered by the Federal Highway Administration for the U.S. Department of Transportation
July, 2013
Paper accepted for publication in Operations Research
Osorio, C. and Bierlaire, M. A simulation-based optimization framework for urban transportation problems
June, 2013
U.S. National Science Foundation award for the project Efficient Calibration Techniques for Stochastic Traffic Simulators (2013-2016)
June, 2013
Congratulations to Kanchana Nanduri and Carter Wang for completing their M.Sc. Transportation degrees
Kanchana's thesis: Mitigating Emissions and Energy Consumption for Urban Transportation Networks: Simulation-Based Signal Control Strategies
Carter's thesis: Urban Transportation Networks: Analytical Modeling of Spatial Dependencies and Calibration Techniques for Stochastic Traffic Simulators
June, 2013
Krishna Selvam was awarded the Dwight David Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship
This is a nationally competitive fellowship administered by the Federal Highway Administration for the U.S. Department of Transportation
May, 2013
Franco Chingcuanco was awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) for his ongoing Master of Science Transportation thesis project entitled: A parallelized simulation-based optimization framework for traffic-responsive control
April, 2013
Linsen Chong passed the Transportation General Exams with an excellent performance. Congratulations Linsen!
Jan. 30, 2013
Carolina's Ph.D. thesis was awarded the EURO (European Association of Operational Research Societies) Doctoral Dissertation Award
The purpose of this biannual prize is to distinguish an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in Operations Research defended in one of the 30 member countries of EURO
July, 2012
Carolina's Ph.D. thesis was selected as one of the three finalists for the EURO Doctoral Dissertation award
The winner will be chosen during the EURO conference (July 8-11, Vilnius, Lithuania)
April, 2012
Carolina to give keynote talk on "The Future of Smart Cities" at upcoming Emerging Technologies Conference (July 11-12, Medellin, Colombia)
April, 2012
Paper accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research
Osorio, C., and Bierlaire, M. A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks
June, 2011
Recipient of the 2011-2012 Jeptha H. and Emily V. Wade Fund Award, MIT
May, 2011
Graduate Student Best Paper Award, Transportation Research Forum (TRF) For the paper: A simulation-based optimization framework for urban traffic control
March, 2011
Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part B
Osorio, C., Flötteröd, G., and Bierlaire, M. Dynamic network loading: a differentiable model that derives link state distributions
March, 2011