

for Urban Logistics and Transportation

We have several open postdoctoral positions.
If you’re interested in joining as a PhD student, you can apply through the Management Science PhD Program
The Management Science PhD Program is offered jointly by the universities of HEC Montréal, McGill, Concordia and UQAM.

We develop techniques to create, enable, and support the disruptive technologies that will shape the mobility systems of the future.


Our techniques enable high‐resolution models and data, obtained at the scale of individual travelers and vehicles, to be used to optimize the performance of mobility systems at the scale of entire cities and metropolitan areas.

We have worked in collaboration with major public and private stakeholders including the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), the San Diego Planning Agency (SANDAG), Ford Motor Company, Zipcar, Accenture and IBM, studying and optimizing mobility for a variety of metropolitan areas including Berlin, Boston, Chicago, Lausanne, NYC, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, and Toronto.

Recent projects have addressed topics such as car-sharing, congestion pricing, traffic management and model calibration. Our techniques combine ideas from various areas including probability theory, simulation, simulation-based optimization, derivative-free optimization, nonlinear optimization, statistics, traffic control and traffic flow theory.

Visit our research topics webpage or watch a 2018 seminar talk, for more details about our research.


Carolina Osorio

SCALE AI Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Urban Mobility and Logistics
Department of Decision Sciences
HEC Montréal
carolina.osorio -.- a t -.- hec . ca

Staff Research Scientist, Google Research

MIT Visiting Associate Professor


Latest News

Google Research blog post on high-resolution metropolitan traffic simulators
Urban mobility solutions: Calibrating digital twins at scale
February 2025

Carolina is ranked top 2% of most cited authors
Carolina is ranked in the top 2% of the most cited scientists in OR + Transportation and Logistics for 2023.
October 2024

Paper accepted at NeurIPS Conference
Griesemer, S., Cao, D., Cui, Z., Osorio, C., Liu, Y.
Sample-efficient simulation-based inference for urban travel demand calibration.
September 2024

Carolina is invited to give a keynote talk at the 2025 IEEE MT-ITS Conference
International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, to be held at the University of Luxembourg.
July 2024

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